Thursday, July 2, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic Pricing Your House For A Quick Sale

Transcript of Video:

are you considering selling your house during the current coronavirus pandemic
if so then you need to watch my next video how to price it right for a quick
sale that's the topic I'll be discussing
hello and welcome back to my channel for those of you who are new to the channel
thanks for stopping by my name is Mark Schreier I'm a licensed sales associate
with century 21 American Homes real estate right here in Long Island New
York coronavirus pandemic and pricing your house to sell that's right pricing
your house to sell during the pandemic recovery that's what we're gonna be
discussing right now it's all about supply and demand right now in Long
Island we are in a very strong seller's market normally that means the sellers
can price the house at any price and buyers are still looking to buy it one
thing that's different that's new that real estate has never experienced before
is that yes we are in a pandemic recovery on Long Island we are in phase
3 going into phase 4 even though it is a strong seller's market and we're
noticing bidding wars and things of that nature we don't know how long those
things are going to remain if in effect if the numbers start to spike again in our
opening up recovery phase like they're doing in some of the southern states we
could get the whole real estate market shut down again so that window of
opportunity is what you want to take advantage of and that comes down to a
pricing strategy that's very unique and different than a traditional seller's
market pricing strategy you want to attract the buyers to your house you
want to market your property at market or slightly above not way above I mean
that might work but if the window closes in a week or ten days or three weeks
from now and your house has not attracted buyers to it because you
overpriced your house then that could be problematic because now your house is
gonna sit on the market for who knows how long so the plus is we have very very
low inventory of houses on the market we have a very large buyer pool we have
interest rates historically low it's a great time to get your house
on the market so if you've been waiting on the fence since the pandemic kicked
in when is the right time to put it on the market I will tell you there's
nothing like the present again the unknown factor is unknown I wish I could
tell you that in six months the market is gonna be doing great but I can't say
that so if you're looking to sell your house and you've been waiting for the
right time now is the time I hope this helped in some way please give me a
thumbs up if you enjoyed the video definitely figure don't forget to
subscribe and hit the bell for notifications this is Mark Schreier from
century 21 American Homes and I'll see you on the next video