Saturday, May 7, 2011

Six ways to live greener and save on your electric bill this summer

Six ways to live greener and save on your electric bill this summer
These days we’re all trying to save money wherever and whenever we can. Luckily, as warm weather approaches we don’t have to travel at all to save big. Check out these ideas on how to save on utilities this summer.

1)Bring in the experts. Consult the Energy Star directory and make an appointment for a professional to test your home for leaky ducts and optimum efficiency. Depending on their results you may need to purchase new insulation or just caulk small drafts.
2)New and improved. When purchasing new appliances look for energy star ratings and buy energy-efficient products.
3)Get with the program. Set thermostats so the temperature is regulated and the system does not waste energy when no one is home.
4)Light bulb of an idea. Compact fluorescent bulbs and dimmers conserve energy and don’t heat up a room like normal bulbs.
5)Unplug. Simply turning off items that are not in use is not enough. Unplug to avoid what experts call ‘vampire power’ that devices consume even when they’re off.
6)Everything in moderation. Set your refrigerator to a moderate setting instead of the coldest temperature available.