Wednesday, July 8, 2020


Transcript of video:

tips to help you the buyers secure that perfect house in this very competitive
Long Island seller's market that's a topic of my next video tips to help you
in this very competitive seller's market tips to help the buyer that is get the
deal that's the topic of this video hello everybody if you are new to my
channel thanks for stopping by my name is Mark Schreier and I'm a licensed
sales associate with century 21 American Homes real estate right here in Syosset
Long Island don't forget to subscribe and if you enjoyed the content which I
hope you will definitely give me a thumbs up I appreciate it and share it
with somebody that you know okay tips to help you buy the house or get a
house get that accepted offer in your name before the competition buys it out
from under you yes we are in a very very hot seller's market right now on Long
Island so you the buyer need to be prepared first thing I will tell you you
should secure yourself a real estate agent that is working in your best
interest aka a buyer broker I'm going to include
a link actually the link will be down here to a video that I made about the
advantages of a buyer broker who's working for who they're important
particularly in this seller's market you want the help of a professional helping
you secure the deal so you can get that perfect house in this market so the
buyer broker is number one on the list number two you need to be ready to rock
and roll what do I mean by that no I don't mean dancing
I mean ready to rock and roll and that you gotta have all your ducks lined up
in a row for the transact the the real estate transaction that is current
pre-approval is key a current pre-approval no more than 30 days old
and if it is a pre-approval that you got pre purchasing or leasing a car not good
you got to get pre-approved again you might have actually knocked your credit
score out of whack and thus you might not be able to buy a house at this time
so if you are getting a pre-approval don't make any large purchases in
between the time of the pre-approval M once you
secured the house and closed so that was number two number three start your
shopping experience online narrow it down when you go to an open house or you
get a private viewing of that property and during this Kobe pandemic those are
very limited so make sure you know you want to this is a house you really want
to see you make that appointment either via your by a broker or the selling
agent and then you bring everybody involved in the decision making you've
most likely only going to get one chance to see that property if that if you have
to come back with somebody else from your family to make the decision there's
a good chance somebody else is gonna buy the property so make sure the decision
make is all there when you see that house for the first time you need to be
shopping another tip I guess this would be tip number three you need to be
shopping for a house not for a price the whole definition of a seller's market is
means there's a lot of buyers out there limited inventory so the price usually
goes up sometimes yes the the famous word bidding war brings or elevates the
price but have you been shopping for a while and you know that this house is
for you you might want to bid a little more than asking price or a significant
amount more than asking price if you can afford it naturally to get that
particular property and that could be problematic in the appraisal process but
there are ways to work with that - and I'll include a link to another video
about you have to sell your house twice what does that mean that's a whole other
topic as well included in that video so you need to have that current
pre-approval you need to be ready to rock and roll and all the
decision-makers need to be on board and lastly you need to have a team you need
to have your real estate attorney an attorney that specializes in real estate
ready to move forward you need their name you need their address and phone
number to put on the offer form you need also to have a home inspector of your
choosing that is ready to move within three to five days Mack
of your accepted offer they need to go out there and inspect that property if
you're gonna take longer than that you could still lose the deal because most
agents are having the houses still being shown even if there's an accepted offer
until it is under contract so understand that just because you have an accepted
offer doesn't mean the house is yours yeah this is Mark Schreier from Century
21 American Homes and I hope you enjoyed the video