Friday, April 17, 2020

Mortgages (#COVID-19) Can I Still Get One? (#TIME SENSITIVE)

Mortgages (#COVID-19) Can I Still Get One? (#TIME SENSITIVE)
The Coronavirus Pandemic has had a dramatic affect on the mortgage industry. Banks don't want to lose money and this uncertainty is making many banks tighten their lending guidelines. In this time sensitive video I (Mark Schreier a Licensed Sales Person With Century 21 American Homes Real Estate) sit down with Quentin Hardy a Mortgage Banker with Movement Mortgage (via Zoom) and ask the question you my viewers wanted to know. *Should I take advantage of the forbearance offer? *Is my current pre - COVID19 mortgage approval still good? * What are the current guidelines needed today to get approved for a mortgage? *What can I do today to help me get approved for a mortgage when this health crisis is past us? ✔Free Home Buyers or Sellers Guide: Contact Info: Quentin Hardy Loan Officer Movement Mortgage (C)516.697.4200 (W)631.315.6742 Email: Website: Suggested Videos: How To Sell My House During The Coronavirus Lockdown Should i Buy A House During The Coronavirus Pandemic? Will The Long Island Housing Market CRASH? (#COVID-19)


mortgages can you still get one is your pre-approval still valid since the onset of COVID 19 that's the topic I'm gonna be asking Quinton Hardy Mortgage Banker with Movement Mortgage stay tuned to my next video

oh I'm sorry snacking seems to be coming my new best friend are you going to be
able to still get a mortgage since the cove in nineteen pandemic is your
current pre-approval still valid those are the questions I'm gonna be asking
Quinton Hardy a Mortgage Banker with Movement Mortgage stay tuned hello
everybody we have Quinton Hardy here I had a couple of mortgage questions that
I've been answering in some other videos that have will included in the link and
so much is going on in the mortgage industry with just over 19 craziness
that's going on and I speak to Quinton on a semi-regular basis and everything's
changing every day every hour and he had some big news that will share with us
about the bank's tightening up the ropes on a lot of people and this particular
video I wanted to get a specific question that was asked to me by a
viewer that watch one of my videos and it was a first-time home buyer and she
was all set to enter the market and then BOOM everything changed and now she's
like is this everywhere is just as her location she's located in New York I'm
not exactly sure she's on Long Island but she's in New York and she's feels
you know like everybody else terrible that she can't enter the spring market
which she's been waiting for saved all her money
so first Quentin if you can answer what's going on in general and then
specifics for first-time homebuyers and we'll take it from there
sure what's happening in general the market is with the possibility of
forbearance the US government bio info Reserve I should say buying
mortgage-backed securities and a lot of the craziness that's going on we'll get
into the the high-level detail but the bottom
line is that there are some mortgage banks that are going out of business
disappeared a non-qm sector again doesn't matter if you don't know what
that is but certain sectors but it also means that with the potential of
according to the Secretary of Treasury potential of 20% unemployment
we're expecting there to be a lot more foreclosures and a lot of struggle for
any mortgage servicer so that the companies that are servicing the loans
realize that when they give someone a mortgage they're getting the money from
a back-end investor the banks don't give you their own money so if you don't pay
them the mortgage because you don't have a job foreclose your forbearance even so
people who are not paying they still have to pay their back-end person and
their algorithm their model maybe accounts for 0.1% for balance so
if suddenly you've got 5% or 10% forbearance those banks are struggling
so in general what's happening is they're they're expecting more of this
to occur so what they do is you tighten up lending guidelines you stop lending
to the riskiest places and that your level of tolerance will be somewhat
based on how much pain you're feeling from your servicing portfolio so chase
for example as of today Tuesday when we're recording this if they are no
longer going to be offering mortgages purchases or refinances pretty much the
whole portfolio you have to have 700 credit score and 80 percent meaning 20
percent down so that sounds when they made that announcement it makes it
sounds like oh my gosh I you know first-time homebuyers 5% down 3% down
are gone nope that's just chase and that's what Chase announced does this
mean that other lenders were will follow or other banks will follow most likely
yes but there were there are banks that won't so there still will be 3% down and
three and a half percent down and 5% down and if you're a veteran 0% down
programs a lot of those programs are still still there now some of those
programs are experiencing tightening in other ways maybe lower debt to income
ratios or higher credit scores and we're seeing that throughout the industry but
there is no there is no homogeneous 'ti there's no
it's not all the same it's chaotic so one bank that used to do 580 credit
score with FHA is maybe now doing 620 another bank that used to handle 580
credit score's FHA is doing 640 or 660 so there's still options out there but
they would speak to their realtor like you and find a good referral partner a
good mortgage lender speed to me and we can find a program that's eff it's now
this is April 14 2020 I usually don't give dates out in the videos but because
this is such a such a fluid situation today like I think we mentioned the
other day is that one bank might ask first a certain credit score and they
might have proved you but then when you go to the closing it could be a whole
new world is that correct we're seeing that less and less but I think some of
them were caught off guard so for example United wholesale mortgage who is
one of the biggest lenders in the country it's a name you probably don't
know because they work with brokers but what ends up happening is a lot of the
brokers who are using them it was they changed their guidelines one night and
people who came to their closings the very next morning who didn't get a phone
call hey you no longer qualify we need to reek wala Phi you need a higher
credit score or more down payment or change your debt to income ratio so
there was some struggle with that and they weren't the only ones I'm not
picking on them right that's that's getting to be rarer and rarer for
example as we just mentioned chase they made this notification over the weekend
which gave people time to react for the most part what we're seeing is that if
you are locked in on an interest rate locked in and approved and committed and
ready to close most banks are honoring that we do see that some banks are not
however so it's a case-by-case basis and what is the about a month ago right
before clubbin 19 really took effect the mortgage rates were the lowest they ever
were I already gave the data out so this is date specific what are the average
mortgage rate so they still very low and still very enticing for people we saw
the lowest rates in the history of the United States early in March and then in
about a week's time they went up almost the full
sent and then they started a creep back down so right now we're back near not at
the very all-time lows so even if we're the second lowest or third lowest in all
of history rapes are really really good if you're looking to purchase or
refinance don't be distracted by code but if you have a situation where you're
up your economics allow it your income is still there great time to refinance
great time to buy a home okay I have two questions the last question is gonna be
tips that you're gonna share with everybody on what they can be doing now
if they know like the example the the question I asked about a viewer she is
unable to buy right now a mortgage person told her that so tips that she or
anybody that's considering or what is was considering entering the spring
market what they can do now so when the actual pause is over they're ready to
rock and roll and get into the market right away we'll save that one for last
but I've been getting emails and everybody's been here and anybody who's
checking out real estate the word forbearance I know you've done the
little videos and everything and you're get a cringe in your face and I just got
another email from somebody else in the mortgage industry and can you enlighten
everybody and I mean I get phone calls can I stop paying my mortgage should I
stop paying my mortgage your advice about the actual forbearance that the
government is nice enough to be offering everybody and I'll say that with a grain
of salt that's even one of the government's not
really offering it okay there they are giving some laws but it's offered by
your lender okay which means that there's no Universal answer right some
lenders are offering to put those two or three or four payments at the end some
are not so that's the thing is I know I heard on the news hey you don't have to
pay your mortgage for the next three months the government is mandated that
you know they're gonna put it on the end that's that's not what was mandated and
your your lender may do it may not do it might be three months might be six
months there is no requirement per se and I think that was one of the
challenges is that they're not asking people to
prove hardship so if you just don't feel like paying it you don't have to but is
that really a good thing there's no free lunch it mine is my philosophy nothing
is free somebody's paying for it somewhere somehow if you have a $3,000 a
month mortgage that's saying you don't pay for three months that $9,000 if they
tack it on to your end of your mortgage you're now paying interest on the
interest and that ten thousand dollars or nine thousand that you didn't pay is
it'll cost you way more over the life of your loan so it's not free it's actually
more expensive that's one two is some of the lenders if you are in forbearance
they are going to report that as your body or credit history
so now six months from now in two years from now you go to buy a house or
refinance and the underwriters says oh I know here on your credit report you
didn't pay your mortgage as was agreed and they go well the government said I
didn't have to you still didn't do it that makes you a different level of risk
so there are underwriters who may view that and and and that's what I keep
asking people so when you before you do it if you really can't pay yeah I take
advantage of it I get it but find out what are the ramifications
on the other end of this yeah it's forbearance is not a free ride
forbearance is not defer it's not necessarily the same as deferment and
forbearance doesn't mean you don't pay so find out what are the consequences of
the actions and and you know don't call your realtor and ask that call the bank
so people calling March fryer hey you're a smart guy who knows a lot of stuff
about a lot of things but do you know what their lender is gonna report on
that credit report for that particular person and it may not in the universal
make all Bank ABC and you and I get different answers because of the back
end investor who holds our loan or the kind of loan we have or when we got it
find out your specifics and particulars on the consequences of those actions and
my advice would be not only call your lender or call your attorney and your
accountant and get all these professionals involved and always get
whatever the bank is going to give you in writing because what they tell you
today come two years from now when everything's changing and everybody's
money in their pain and they're gonna slap you with a large sum you know debt
or your credit is now messed up and now you have to go through the hassle of
correcting your credit and we all know that that can be a major hassle at your
expense and you might not be able to pull any loans from anywhere else in
that time period if you have a big slap on your credit score
so that's something to consider great advice and now the last thing the last
question that I mentioned is what can you know mister buyer or mrs. buyer on
the fence who you know is real upset now that they couldn't enter the market
because they had everything set but they're maybe they're they're unemployed
now or their credit score is not where it should be any advice should they be
reaching out to the mortgage people I know I've been telling people I have
other videos as well on how to set yourself up on the real estate side that
you could actually shop now virtually everything can is online we could
Realtors that have the technology can sell a house sight unseen like some
people do who are transferring from out of state or out of the country in
corporate America just through the use of you know digital marketing and East
signatures and things of that nature can they let's start with if I want to
buy a house now and I need to get a mortgage and I have all the requirements
met credit score and down payment wise can Quintin Hardy at movement mortgage
and will speak movement mortgage because we have you can you do the documents
virtually or digitally and be acceptable to your bank
sure probably eighty percent of my clients I don't meet face to face
maybe I meet them at the closing if I go but I had a closing today I didn't go
because you can imagine I've had closings during kovat for purchases and
refinances at different transactions and I'm not showing up so some of these
folks I don't get to meet but in this day and age you can virtually you can do
everything for your mortgage pretty much in between the telephone and email and
and even old-school fax right electronically it can be done
great and some tips that you can share what should people be doing to help them
prepare to get back in the market as soon as this pauses is done well one
thing like that lady you mentioned who her lender said she was not qualified as
she should find out what it is that's that's stopping her from being qualified
and maybe check with another source and again not to pick on Chase but if you
call chase today and you've got a $6.99 credit score they're gonna tell you
you're no longer qualified to buy a home but they won't necessarily explain this
you're no longer qualified to buy a home with us it doesn't mean you can't get a
loan elsewhere great tip you've only got 5% down they're gonna tell you the same
thing you might be very well qualified elsewhere so that's the first thing is
to find out why you're not qualified and is that something that can be overcome
at another lender - if it can't work on whatever that is if it's that you don't
have a need money for a down payment start saving money if your credit isn't
perfect start working on your credit whatever that item is use this down time
to get ready and get in position but that might require speaking with the
lender or lenders to figure out what action to take for your specific
situation great and in closing I'd just like to say that Quinton was mentioning
the mortgage side of it same thing in real estate same thing in buying houses
use this time to do your research to educate yourself or watching youtube
videos like this one and get yourself ready for the pause to be or the lock
down or lock in whatever you want to call it to be lifted biggest unlike the
o8 real estate dive this is not a real estate dive the real estate market was
doing really well particularly here on Long Island and it's it's like
everybody's you know if you have a follow horse racing they're at the gate
and they're waiting for the starting bells they jump back into the market
with that being said I like to thank went in a movement mortgage that he's
gonna have his contact info I'm gonna share with you down below in the
comments and thanks again