Monday, March 30, 2020

How To Leverage The (COVID-19) LOCKDOWN Order To Help Sell Your House

How To Leverage The (COVID-19) LOCKDOWN Order To Help Sell Your House

How To Leverage The (COVID-19) LOCKDOWN Order To Help Sell Your House
Thinking of selling your house? Use this (COVID-19) shelter in order to your advantage
Where you thinking of selling your house this spring?
Did the (COVID - 19) - Coronavirus shelter in order put a temporary pause on those plans?
In this video I will explain how to use this down time to your advantage when it comes to selling your house.
Mark Schreier and the Century 21 American Homes Team are prepared for a fully digital buyer and seller experience thus keeping you and the community safe.

Don’t let the current conditions change your plans
Contact me today for your free virtual consultation


where you thinking about getting your house on the market this spring and then
the corona virus pandemic put those plans on pause find out I myself in the
century 21 American homes technology platform can get the job done so you're
the first one to have your house on the market before everybody else tries to
catch up that's the topic of my next video in this video I'm gonna discuss
with you how you can get your house online on the MLS now to be ahead of the
competition before we get the all-clear order my name is Mark Schreyer and I'm a
licensed sales associate with century 21 American homes real estate right here in
Syosset Long Island yes craziness in the world never seen
anything like it we are I'm located in New York State 20 miles east of New York
City I always believed in being positive and making lemonade out of lemons so I'm
gonna tell you how you can utilize this downtime to your advantage particularly
if you want to get your house sold or if you're a buyer thinking about buying a
property New York State has told all Realtors that they must work from home
they cannot show houses they cannot do open houses we cannot meet anybody in
person so that's exactly what I'm doing I'm working from home so how do you take
advantage of this situation well not only are we in lockdown but the
rest of the country pretty much is in lockdown
so you utilize this time what do people do when they're in lockdown they go
online they watch movies and if you're considering buying or selling you're
probably binging on the internet and all the you know how do I sell my house
YouTube videos that's how you found this and everything else related to down time
so we got buyers looking to buy we got sellers looking to sell I just received
the phone call from a buyer that was considering buying a particular property
out here on Long Island so how do we get your house listed and keep everybody
safe we do it digitally we do it virtually century 21 American homes has
been using the digital platform for 18 months it's not new to us so how can you
take advantage of that first thing you need to do is watch this video to the
very end and I'm gonna share with you the steps involved after you watch the
video contact me either text me call me and I'll explain in detail but to give
you the basics number one after you watch the video we have a conference
call I'll stay on the phone as long as it takes so you understand the process
if you decide that you want to beat the competition to get your house online now
to take advantage of all those buyers that are looking for properties and I'm
gonna get ready to jump on those houses as soon as we get the lockdown order
removed then I will help you do that you and I will sit down will come up with a
marketing strategy and a pricing strategy I'll explain to you the century
21 platform in detail and we will work on price in your house well a good
question or a question that comes up how can i price our house had better never
been in it well with your help with the power of the MLS with the power of all
the public records that I as a realtor have access to with the power of Google
Earth I will get the job done it is a definite pricing strategy we'll go over
the marketing strategy involved in pricing and all the other things I would
do at a traditional consultation right at your kitchen table then after we work
on the price I will again forward you via my computer or smartphone or tablet
the contracts the proper disclosures the contracts to be signed everything that
you need that you would normally do if we weren't in the crazy time that we're
in right now once we get the contracts signed
then I'll instruct you on how to take some basic pictures we'll give you all
the things you need to do to clean up the clutter to get the right angles the
right lighting and we'll get those pictures up and running online then I do
my job by uploading to the MLS do a great description of your property and
once it is uploaded to the MLS then we let the powers of the Multiple Listing
servus take hold all the other websites like Zillow and Trulia will all pick up
on your property and the buyers that are out there sitting at home will see it
and again just like having a moment ago my phone will start ringing and I will
take a list of all the buyers that are out there whom want to purchase or see
your property when we get the green light to do so so again this is an
advantage not a disadvantage the housing market was very strong before we had
this coronavirus issue I'm expecting the market to take off again because a lot
of people are going to want to sell it have been waiting - it might be a month
or so we don't really know how long it's going to take for us to get the green
light here but I will tell you it's gonna happen Long Island has always had
a very very strong real estate market so of you on one of the buyer's or seller's
that want to get your house listed or you want to buy this is the way to go
for those people that aren't a hundred percent sure I said I was going to share
with you something that you can use today to educate yourself and when
you're ready to put your house on the market whether it be today tomorrow a
month from now you'll be more educated than other people who didn't take
advantage of this YouTube channel I have over a hundred videos on the real estate
residential real estate process so if you're thinking about buying or selling
definitely subscribe to this channel give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the
video but most importantly stay safe