A step by step guide on how to use the My Nassau County Land Record Look-Up website.
This public record website has all the tax records of every property in Nassau County.
Transcript of video:
The Nassau County
website an inside look at how to use this website to check your property taxes
before you buy your next house that's the topic of my next video the my Nassau
County website how to check your property taxes before you make that offer on
your next property Hello everybody my name is Mark Schreier and I'm a licensed
sales associate with century 21 American Homes real estate. you finally find a
house you want to make an offer but you owe it to yourself to double check
those property taxes just because you saw it on Zillow or you got a listing
from a realtor about what those property taxes are I always like to double
check and do my homework before I make that offer and get all excited and then
find out the taxes are way more than what I expected so how do I do that you
basically go right into the my Nassau County website land record
lookup and you know the
address make sure you type in the correct street
number I'm gonna use a
specific number hey a 56 Azalea at the town of Levittown, NY of town and you
don't need the zip code checking not a robot if you're not a robot and we
search we interrupt my video for a special housekeeping announcement if you're
new to my channel thanks for stopping by please remember to subscribe and click
the bell for notifications joy - please give me a thumbs up now back to our
video so there's the property it should look similar to the house that you are
placing the bid on if it's not double check the address and make sure you got
the correct address sometimes there's streets and numbers in different towns
this is Levittown so that is the correct address you go into your taxes we've
got general and school taxes you're going to basically do some basic math you
see right here if you've never seen this before you've got the tax year make
sure you got the correct tax year this is for the year of 2020 hard to believe
but we're in 2020 right now you're gonna see total school taxes here we have
the total of eight thousand nine hundred ninety-two dollars notice we have an
exemption this is the star exemption not everybody is eligible for that
exemptions so ignore it you hopefully will get it but if you don't you have
been a little conservative in your estimate and you know the worst case
scenario so for 2020 the combined school taxes eight nine ninety two and let's
go to general Taxes right now you go to general you see all these numbers but
you want to go all the way to the bottom and you want to see your totals your
total combined three thousand three hundred and seventy seven dollars you add
that to your other numbers and you
have your total taxes
for the year of 2020 there's also some other things in
here that are very
interesting you can play with them property description will give you a basic understanding
of what the house is and you want to scroll up to the top and take a look at
the property sketch the property sketch is a traditional square house it's only
one particular basically sketch a if you saw on the house another addition to
the side that it's not on this sketch that means most likely it's not taxed so
take that into consideration as the homeowner ask your Realtor to double check
and make sure that that piece attached to the side of the house if it's there
whether or not there's a CO and what's going on because if it's not attached to
this sketch there's a pretty good chance that there's gonna be an issue moving
forward so ask your attorney that is one other thing you want to check is your
tax protection plan all the houses in Nassau County have been reassessed and
they're going to be either property values you're gonna be taxed either up or
down an increase or a decrease and we go to the statement to find out where
this property is going if you look we see 2018-19 the taxes ten thousand forty
eight dollars and with the hypothetical tax five-year phase-in with the with
the taxpayer protection plan it is going down to nine eight nine this is twenty
twenty-one and without it 8,604 so this house is scheduled to go down with the
plan it will take five years to get there 20% a year if in fact the
hypothetical taxpayer protection plan is put into effect it would reduce slowly
if your tax is going up it will be increased slowly it's still a little gray
I'm whether or not this is going to go through I know it's been passed by the
state but they're waiting for the town to adopt this particular phase in so
stay tuned for that make sure you ask your Realtor if they know whether or not
the text layer protection plan went in or just call out the Nassau County
Department of assessment so basically to rehash what you do is go - or
properties make sure you got the dot-gov site you don't want to go onto a
commercial site where they're gonna try to sell you something so you go on site you type in the address make sure you go into the general and
school taxes make sure you got the correct tax year and you scroll down again
to general taxes to the bottom where it says total and you see right here the
total taxes are three thousand three hundred and seventy seven dollars this is
general taxes and it tells you everything it encompasses then you go to the
school taxes which is usually the biggest bite and this one tells you total
school taxes eight thousand nine hundred and ninety two again remember there's
an exemption in there are fifteen hundred and fifty
dollars that doesn't
always transfer so I wouldn't consider it into the equation and that is
basically understanding also check the property description to make sure
everything is there that you see on the house I hope this was helpful it's My
Nassau County property it's actually I are V Nassau County dot gov however if you
type in - or property and a Google search this will come up without an issue.
This is Mark Schreier of Century 21 American Homes and thanks for watching