Tuesday, December 10, 2019

🏡Home Buying Checklist Underground Oil Tanks
Are you thinking about buying or selling a house with an underground oil tank?😨

If So this video is for you.

Topics discussed

👍 Just because the house you are considering buying has gas heat doesn’t mean it couldn’t have an out of service oil tank still underground.
👍 DIY tips on how to check for an in-ground old oil tank
👍Nassau County oil tank removal or abandonment permit search website.
👍How to protect your investment on both the buyer and seller side of the transaction. 👍 How to be proactive not reactive in this process
👍 Soil sample if warranted if you suspect the oil tank leaked
👍 DIY check, home Inspector check, environmental service company check if needed. Free estimate… 👍 Whoever owns the house when the leak was discovered is responsible for the clean-up. (Check Homeowners insurance coverage)
1) Check to see if your homeowner’s insurance policy would cover a possible clean-up. Talk with the claims department. Some old policies covered this claim.
👍 Buyer beware 👍 Soil sampling not 100% accurate 👍 State DEC has all records about the house oil tanks if there were issues.
Video Transcript

underground oil tanks should I buy a house with an underground oil tank that's the topic of my
next video imagine this you've been shopping for months and months to find that perfect house in Nassau County and you finally find it and then you do a little more research and you find out that the house has an underground or an in-ground oil tank is that a big red flag that's the topic of this video hello everybody my name is Mark Schreier I'm a licensed sales associate with Century 21 American Homes and to get into some of the detail but not to bore you just because a house has an underground oil tank does not mean you should not go through with the deal what it basically means is you need to do your homework you need to check and make sure a that the property is not polluted by that I mean that the oil tank hasn't the oil hasn't seeped into the surrounding
ground and polluted that area so how can you do that well it's very easy as we
know if it's an aboveground tank you can see the dripping and leaking and
things of that nature but if it's underground it's a little more difficult to
do if it's really leaking bad you could see a lot of damage to the actual
earth around it to the grass it would probably be all discolored and things of
that you might even smell in a really  bad scenario that petroleum the oil as well big red flag could cost a lot of money to remediate that to get
it fixed another thing that you can do if you look and it looks fine or you  want to really make sure that this that it hasn't leaked at all so you can call it a remediation company if you go to purchase the house and
they tell you well we have an above-ground tank and the oil tank used to be underground they should have a certificate from the town to show that they had a abandoned properly and also if it was removed to show or back up that it was removed if the homeowner does not have that documentation you can go into the Nassau County Department of Health website small tank abandonment we interrupt my video for special housekeeping
announcement if you're new to my channel thanks for stopping by please remember to subscribe and click the bell for notifications the name of the channel is real estate 101 everything you need to know about buying
and selling residential real estate if you enjoyed it please give me a thumbs up if you weren't too
thrilled don't tell anybody also please remember these comments in the comment section below they include in those comments things you liked about this video also include topics that you'd like me to discuss how back to our video and you basically type in the street address and I'm just gonna pick an arbitrary address here but a
small facility now this is not it small tank let's go back from one naturally Nassau County Department
of Health here we go Nassau County small petroleum tank abandonments and removals you go down to the bottom print verification letter and I'm just gonna type in a street they're all in Nassau County so you don't have to write the town pretty much Smith Street don't even know what Smith Street is and you click search and then it populates and as you can see on here it will tell you the date the address of the particular property tank of two hundred and seventy five gallons completion date July twentieth of 1992 and it was abandoned if
you scroll all the way down remove over mobile most of them are abandoned
because it's more cost-effective for the homeowners so that's a way you can actually then we just click print certificate and you can actually get yourself if you're a homeowner the Nassau County Department of health certificate that shows everything you need to prove that you had you filed the permits and you have the work done so again its Nassau County Department of Health small tank removal or a small tank website there it is small petroleum tank closure inspections scheduling system you just type in the name of the street and
you get that document if the homeowner doesn't have it so the next thing that you can do you call you got the document but you still want to make sure you protected your investment what you do is you contact a local
environmental company they can come out they can take a sample of the soil
understanding that if they find it to be polluted to a certain degree and the testing that they do the homeowner is responsible for cleaning it up now depending upon the level again I'm not an attorney and I'm not any environmental expert but you can't definitely ask the environmental company as to the price it would cost to remediate this and whether or not they feel it's maybe you shouldn't pass on this deal or I fear the homeowner what you need to do to get that house ready for resale hello yes I'm talking to you the person that watched
my video to the very end thanks a lot for watching if you enjoyed it please give me a big thumbs up subscribe to my YouTube channel like me on Facebook I am a licensed real estate agent in New York State but I also have a referral service that deals nationwide so if you're looking for to buy or sell a house anywhere in the United States please send me a text contact me via phone and I'll set you up with a local professional in your
area if you're in my vicinity I'd be more than happy to help you out in any of your real estate transactions that you'd like this is Mark Schreier from century 21 American Homes and I'll talk to you soon